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Though it would be fun to display the banned IP addressed on the server from fail2ban using google maps and geo ip.
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Leisure Suit Larry AGI version Reverse Engineering & Commenting
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Leisure Suit Larry Script and Definition Files, by Al Lowe for Sierra (1987)
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My first attempt to create an assembler AND a opcode virtual CPU.
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Demo presented at the Wired'94 in mons (belgium)
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public / retro / ScriptedAmigaEmulator
GNU General Public License v2.0 or laterUpdated -
Wootook-reloaded is a web-based MMO strategy game engine able to manage several gameplay
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public / Sierra-games / qt-agi-studio
GNU General Public License v2.0 or laterAGI (Adventure Game Interpreter) is the adventure game engine used by Sierra On-Line(tm) to create some of their early games. QT AGI Studio (formerly known as Linux AGI Studio) is a program which allows you to view, create and edit AGI games. Basically, it is an enhanced port of the Windows AGI Studio developed by Peter Kelly.
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fail2ban / fail2sql
GNU General Public License v2.0 or laterUpdated -
public / Demos / SecondReality
The UnlicenseUnreal ][ - The 2nd Reality (appelée plus tard Second Reality), est l'une des plus célèbre démos créée par Future Crew pour la demoparty Assembly '93.
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- IRA 'Intelligent ReAssembler' [PC Port] - - Antiriad / Raine - What is IRApc?
It's an unofficial 'port' of an old amiga tool called IRA (Intelligent reassembler).
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